Fedora: Minimal Cinnamon Desktop Install
Fedora offers a specific spin for Cinnamon Desktop but if you are looking for a more minimal install which doesn't include, for example, dnfdragora, LibrOffice, HexChat, Pidgin, Thunderbird, Transmission, Rhythmbox, XawTV Television Viewer, etc., then this post might be of interest.
A Minimal Install
To make a minimal Fedora install you will need to download the iso from the Fedora Everything page. The Fedora installer takes you through the installation process in clear steps. Importantly, when you get to the page/step shown below ensure that you only select *Minimal Install.
With the installation complete, reboot and login with your username and password. To install the basic Cinnamon desktop you need to install the following:
You will also want to install some essentials, e.g.
Display Manager
The display manager or login manager is where you input your username and password to get to your desktop. The display manager I use is sddm, which is the default for KDE. The Cinnamon default is slick-greeter. Installing and enable either option is shown below. For sddm,
or for slick-greeter
Enabling the Display Manager
You will need to enable your chosen display manager. For sddm:
Not the most attractive display manager!! However, in the next post I will show how to improve the look of the sddm display manager.
To enable slick greeter
You can now reboot into your display manager and login to your desktop. To do this,
Connecting to Wi-Fi
If you are installing the desktop onto a laptop then you might also need to connect to Wi-Fi. In a terminal,
You may need to reboot for the changes to take effect.